Deploying Azure Webapp with Command Line Interface

Deploying Azure Webapp with Command Line Interface

What is Azure App Service?

Azure App Service is a Microsoft Azure Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) service that allows developers to effortlessly design, distribute, and manage online and mobile applications. It includes automatic scaling, continuous deployment, and built-in support for popular programming languages.

Benefits of Azure App Service

High availability:

Apps can be hosted anywhere manually or automatically on Microsoft’s global data center infrastructure. App Service provides high availability with 99.5% SLA uptime.

Highly-secured web apps:

Azure Web Apps helps to deliver enterprise-level SLA by providing PCI security standards,

Step 1:

Create the web app:

  • To create a web app you need to first create a resource group or use an existing group.

  • Resource group "Damtest4" is successfully created.

  • To create the web app we need an "App Service Plan".

  • To create an "App Service Plan", type "az appservice plan create --name DamAppServicePlan --resource-group Damtest4"

  • To create the "Web App" type "az webapp create --name Dam4webapp --resource-group Damtest4 --plan DamAppServicePlan"

  • Note: Ensure the webapp name is unique.

  • The webapp address is displayed as ""

  • Type it in a web browser to confirm the web app is up

  • In Summary:

  • This shows that the web is up and running.